Tuesday 15 October 2013

We've only just begun...

It was dark when we took our first steps on the last stretch of our pilgrimage along the Way of St James. In some ways this seemed appropriate ..the morning mist on the valleys as the sun rose, the stillness broken only by the sound of our feet and the birds singing. 
We were both deep in thought as we began the climb out of Lavocolla, one of the last stops along the camino. It is thought that pilgrims in the Middle Ages used to wash in the stream here to arrive clean at the shrine of St James.
Sue took this story seriously and decided to wash ( just her hands ) in a fairly fast flowing stream. Suffice to say she lost her footing, but thankfully was wearing her Gor Tex boots and waterproof trousers!
For the rest of our walk we were excited, but a little sad that our pilgrimage was nearing an end. We were blessed by a beautiful rainbow which lifted our spirits. As we. Drew nearer to Santiago the road became much busier. Although from Mount  Gozo it is no longer possible to see the cathedral spires, we could still see the city, and from there it was downhill until the final ascent to the cathedral steps.
 We arrived in time for the Pilgrims Mass - words fail to describe the experience. We met lots of friends with whom we had shared the journey, and we were all united in prayer and worship in the cathedral - our final destination 
...or is it?

St Augustine said:

"Behold our end which has no end."
He also said:  

"Sing Alleluia,
and keep on walking!"


  1. Well done, you two! Great job with the blog, and many congratulations on completing your pilgrimage. We look forward to welcoming you back. Susan xx

  2. good work Mum and Sue....bit worried about where you think you are going next!! See you in Tarn,
    love fee xx

  3. Fantastic achievement! It has been great to follow your progress. Look forward to welcoming you back. Trish x
